Telling Mi Storii

UNapologetically, UNafraid, and UNashamed

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About me

Hi, Mi name is LaToya Payne (Jefferson).  I’ve worn many hats for many years, but the one that I just came to terms with is survivor. It has taken me years to admit that I am among the “more than 12 million women and men” who has been affected by Domestic Violence.  Had it not been for my trauma, I never would have stumbled upon the strength, boldness, and tenacity that was buried beneath the broken person that I thought I would always be.

I know what it means to have someone be a voice for me when I could not find Mi own. Now that I have found Mi voice, I will continue to carry the torch and be the voice for others that has yet to find theirs.

“Other people are going to find healing in your wounds. Your greatest life messages and your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts.”

~Rick Warren


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The Butterfly Society

Phenomenal… Courageous… Whole… Masterpiece…

LaToya Jefferson is ALL of the above. Our paths crossed several years ago one day. We chatted for hours only to discover how much we had in common with each other. We had a deep passion for serving. She was interested in volunteering with The Butterfly Society eager to get to work. LaToya found her place in the organization stepping up in a role that takes her behind the scene. We spoke often about her arriving at a safe space where she can share her personal journey. The day had come for her to speak her truth. The courage and strength she displayed was defined in one word POWERFUL. A survivor in her owe right,. her spirit is so uplifting. Being in her presence leaves you uplifted and inspired to continue the journey. LaToya Jefferson is truly an inspiration to so many. You are your sister’s keeper. God bless you and keep you.

Kelton "Nspire" Harper

I’ve known LaToya Jefferson for over ten years and she has always been a woman with an extremely high degree of integrity. She is very well respected by everyone she encounters. Her willingness to listen to others no matter what has made her the “go to” person among her family and friends. She is often called on for advice and guidance. LaToya is all about doing the right thing and she has a passion for service that is almost unmatched. Her genuine qualities, including her will to help others, truly makes her a special person.

Tammy Peters

Blessings by Tammy

LaToya Payne (Jefferson) has been a very close friend of mine for many years.
Why I consider her to be my “Sister from another Mother”:
She is very TRUSTWORTHY and LOYAL. She has a very BIG heart. Her LEVEL of UNDERSTANDING makes her a very good LISTENER. She will break the whole conversation down just to let you know that she listened to every word you said. LaToya will give her HONEST opinion, but ONLY when she’s asked. She is always there when I need her and that means so much to me.

The Lord knew what He was doing, when we entered into each other’s LIVES. She is a PHENOMENAL WOMAN OF GOD and an OUTSTANDING BFF.